
Differences between Athan and Iqamah

  1. Adhaan is an announcement for the prayer entrance time, whereas the iqaamah is a notification for the commencement of the actual prayer
  2. The words of the Adhaan are repeated twice, whereas the words of the iqaamah are uttered only once – with the exception of:
    قد قامت الصلاة
  3. The Adhaan is pronounced in a slow and graceful manner, whereas the iqaamah is quicker
  4. The Adhaan is announced very loudly, whereas the iqaamah is not as loud.
  5. The Adhaan seeks to notify those who are absent from the masjid, whereas the main objective of the iqaamah is to notify those in and around the masjid.
  6. One is recommended to repeat after the Muadhin, but not after the iqaamah
  7. During Adhaan, it is recommended for the Muadhin to turn his neck to the left and right when saying the hay’alataan (*), but this is not the case for the iqaamah
  8. There are recommended invocations to be said during and after the Adhaan, but this is not the case for the iqaamah

BENEFIT 69 : Miscellaneous benefits from Yemen

Jotted from the bulooghul maraam class taught by Daaris hafidhahullah, Seiyun, Yemen.

Footnote :
(*) حيعلتان hay’alataan
Abbreviation for:
حي على الصلاة & حي على الفلاح

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